Simple, responsive cookie acceptance plugin

AcceptCookies is a jQuery plugin which allows your to inform users of your use of cookies in a stylish, non-obtrusive way.

Customize Download

Easy to Use

Simply include the JS and CSS files, then add $.acceptCookies() to your page.


Many different themes and options available. See below for a demo.


Scales to fit your device automatically. No extra work needed!

Current Options

To run the plugin with your selected options, copy and paste this code:


AcceptCookies plugin can be customized with the following optional parameters:

Parameter Type Description Default
title string The main headline of the cookie notification "This website uses cookies"
text string The smaller sub-header of the cookie notification "By using this site, you agree to our use of cookies."
acceptButtonText string The text of the "Accept" button "Accept"
learnMoreButtonText string The text of the "Learn More" button "Learn More"
learnMoreInfoText string The text of the hidden "Learn More" information area, show when the "Learn More" button is clicked "Cookies are small files stored on your computer, which websites use to improve your browsing experience. They may be used to save your progress or user preferences."
theme string The colour scheme of the cookie notification "dark"
position string The area of the window to show the cookie notification "bottom"
learnMore bool Display (true) a "Learn More" button or not (false) true
onAccept callback The Javascript function to call when users click "Accept". N/A